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1、 《公司股权分配方案》
2、 《创始人合伙人股权架构设计》
3、 《股东合作及股权协议书》
4、 《股权架构方案设计》
5、 《增资扩股协议》
6、 《创业合伙协议》
7、 《股东投资入股协议书》
8、 《公司股东合作协议书》
9、 《股东进入和退出机制》
10 《创业公司股权架构设计书》
11 《股份代持的法律风险及规避》
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Sunday, June 21, 2020
Friday, June 12, 2020
OWASP API Security Project Media Coverage
- 10/3/19, APISecurity.IO (UMV: 1,510): Issue 51: Gartner Releases Full Report on API Security
- 10/2/19, ADT Magazine (UMV: 117,500): API Security Project Identifies Top 10 Vulnerabilities
- 9/26/19, Dark Reading (UMV: 57,800): Why You Need to Think About API Security
- 9/24/19, The Daily Swig (UMV: 30,500): OWASP Reveals Top 10 Security Threats Facing API Ecosystem
- 9/20/19, Security Boulevard (UMV: 29,100): New OWASP List Highlights API Security Holes
- 9/13/19, Security Boulevard (UMV: 29,100): Why You Need to Be Thinking About API Security
- 9/13/19, CyberWire (UMV: 49,380): Daily Briefing: OWASP API Security Project
- 9/12/19, Dark Reading (UMV: 57,800): APIs Get Their Own Top 10 Security list
- Also included in Dark Reading's weekly newsletter on 9/19/19
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Recovering Data From An Old Encrypted Time Machine Backup
The problem
1. I had an encrypted Time Machine backup which was not used for months2. This backup was not on an official Apple Time Capsule or on a USB HDD, but on a WD MyCloud NAS
3. I needed files from this backup
4. After running out of time I only had SSH access to the macOS, no GUI
The struggle
By default, Time Machine is one of the best and easiest backup solution I have seen. As long as you stick to the default use case, where you have one active backup disk, life is pink and happy. But this was not my case.As always, I started to Google what shall I do. One of the first options recommended that I add the backup disk to Time Machine, and it will automagically show the backup snapshots from the old backup. Instead of this, it did not show the old snapshots but started to create a new backup. Panic button has been pressed, backup canceled, back to Google.
Other tutorials recommend to click on the Time Machine icon and pressing alt (Option) key, where I can choose "Browse other backup disks". But this did not list the old Time Machine backup. It did list the backup when selecting disks in Time Machine preferences, but I already tried and failed that way.
YAT (yet another tutorial) recommended to SSH into the NAS, and browse the backup disk, as it is just a simple directory where I can see all the files. But all the files inside where just a bunch of nonsense, no real directory structure.
YAT (yet another tutorial) recommended that I can just easily browse the content of the backup from the Finder by double-clicking on the sparse bundle file. After clicking on it, I can see the disk image on the left part of the Finder, attached as a new disk.
Well, this is true, but because of some bug, when you connect to the Time Capsule, you don't see the sparse bundle file. And I got inconsistent results, for the WD NAS, double-clicking on the sparse bundle did nothing. For the Time Capsule, it did work.
At this point, I had to leave the location where the backup was present, and I only had remote SSH access. You know, if you can't solve a problem, let's complicate things by restrict yourself in solutions.
Finally, I tried to check out some data forensics blogs, and besides some expensive tools, I could find the solution.
The solution
Finally, a blog post provided the real solution - hdiutil.The best part of hdiutil is that you can provide the read-only flag to it. This can be very awesome when it comes to forensics acquisition.
To mount any NAS via SMB:
mount_smbfs afp://<username>@<NAS_IP>/<Share_for_backup> /<mountpoint>
To mount a Time Capsule share via AFP:
mount_afp afp://any_username:password@<Time_Capsule_IP>/<Share_for_backup> /<mountpoint>
And finally this command should do the job:
hdiutil attach test.sparsebundle -readonly
It is nice that you can provide read-only parameter.
If the backup was encrypted and you don't want to provide the password in a password prompt, use the following:
printf '%s' 'CorrectHorseBatteryStaple' | hdiutil attach test.sparsebundle -stdinpass -readonly
Note: if you receive the error "resource temporarily unavailable", probably another machine is backing up to the device
And now, you can find your backup disk under /Volumes. Happy restoring!
Probably it would have been quicker to either enable the remote GUI, or to physically travel to the system and login locally, but that would spoil the fun.Related links
PKCE: What Can(Not) Be Protected
OAuth Code Flow
In Figure 1, we briefly introduce how the OAuth flow works on mobile apps and show show the reason why we do need PKCE.
In our example the user has two apps installed on the mobile phone: an Honest App and an Evil App. We assume that the Evil App is able to register the same handler as the Honest App and thus intercept messages sent to the Honest App. If you are more interested in this issue, you can find more information here [1].
Figure 1: An example of the "authorization code interception" attack on mobile devices. |
- The Honest App could use a Web View browser. However, the current specification clearly advice to use the operating system's default browser and avoid the usage of Web Views [2]. In addition, Google does not allow the usage of Web View browser since August 2016 [3].
- Optionally, in step 5 the App can authenticate on the Authorization Server via client_id, client_secret. Since, Apps are public clients they do not have any protection mechanisms regarding the storage of this information. Thus, an attacker can easy get this information and add it to the Evil App.
Proof Key for Code Exchange - PKCE (RFC 7636)
Figure 2: PKCE - RFC 7636 |
- The Honest App generates a random string called code_verifier
- The Honest App computes the code_challenge=SHA-256(code_verifier)
- The Honest App specifies the challenge_method=SHA256
Step 2: The Authorization Server receives the Auth Request and binds the code to the received code_challenge and challenge_method.
- Later in Step 5, the Authorzation Server expects to receive the code_verifier. By comparing the SHA-256(code_verifier) value with the recieved code_challenge, the Authorization Server verifies that the sender of the Auth Request ist the same as the sender of the code.
PKCE Bypass via App Impersonation
Figure 3: Bypassing PKCE via the App Impersonation attack |
OAuth 2.0 for Native Apps
Christian Mainka (@CheariX)
Thursday, June 11, 2020
Top 10 Most Popular Ethical Hacking Tools (2019 Ranking)
Top 10 powerful Hacking Tools in 2019.
If hacking is performed to identify the potential threats to a computer or network then it will be an ethical hacking.
Ethical hacking is also called penetration testing, intrusion testing, and red teaming.
Hacking is the process of gaining access to a computer system with the intention of fraud, data stealing, and privacy invasion etc., by identifying its weaknesses.
Ethical Hackers:
A person who performs the hacking activities is called a hacker.
There are six types of hackers:
- The Ethical Hacker (White hat)
- Cracker
- Grey hat
- Script kiddies
- Hacktivist
- Phreaker
A security professional who uses his/her hacking skills for defensive purposes is called an ethical hacker. To strengthen the security, ethical hackers use their skills to find vulnerabilities, document them, and suggest the ways to rectify them.
Companies that provide online services or those which are connected to the internet, must perform penetration testing by ethical hackers. Penetration testing is another name of ethical hacking. It can be performed manually or through an automation tool.
Ethical hackers work as an information security expert. They try to break the security of a computer system, network, or applications. They identify the weak points and based on that, they give advice or suggestions to strengthen the security.
Programming languages that are used for hacking include PHP, SQL, Python, Ruby, Bash, Perl, C, C++, Java, VBScript, Visual Basic, C Sharp, JavaScript, and HTML.
Few Hacking Certifications include:
Let's Explore!!
#1) Nmap
Price: Free
Nmap is a security scanner, port scanner, as well as a network exploration tool. It is an open source software and is available for free.
It supports cross-platform. It can be used for network inventory, managing service upgrade schedules, and for monitoring host & service uptime. It can work for a single host as well as large networks. It provides binary packages for Linux, Windows, and Mac OS X.
- Nmap suite has:
- Data transfer, redirection, and debugging tool(Ncat),
- Scan results comparing utility(Ndiff),
- Packet generation and response analysis tool (Nping),
- GUI and Results viewer (Nping)
- Using raw IP packets it can determine:
- The available hosts on the network.
- Their services offered by these available hosts.
- Their OS.
- Packet filters they are using.
- And many other characteristics.
Best for: Nmap is best for scanning network. It is easy to use and fast as well.
Website: Nmap
#2) Netsparker
#3) Acunetix
Acunetix is a fully automated ethical hacking tool that detects and reports on over 4500 web application vulnerabilities including all variants of SQL Injection and XSS.
The Acunetix crawler fully supports HTML5 and JavaScript and Single-page applications, allowing auditing of complex, authenticated applications.
It bakes in advanced Vulnerability Management features right-into its core, prioritizing risks based on data through a single, consolidated view, and integrating the scanner's results into other tools and platforms.
=> Visit Acunetix Official Website
#4) Metasploit
Price: Metasploit Framework is an open source tool and it can be downloaded for free. Metasploit Pro is a commercial product. Its free trial is available for 14 days. Contact the company to know more about its pricing details.
It is the software for penetration testing. Using Metasploit Framework, you can develop and execute exploit code against a remote machine. It supports cross-platform.
- It is useful for knowing about security vulnerabilities.
- Helps in penetration testing.
- Helps in IDS signature development.
- You can create security testing tools.
Best For Building anti-forensic and evasion tools.
Website: Metasploit
#5) Aircrack-Ng
Price: Free
Aircrack-ng provides different tools for evaluating Wi-Fi network security.
All are command line tools. For Wi-Fi security, it focuses on monitoring, attacking, testing, and cracking. It supports Linux, Windows, OS X, Free BSD, NetBSD, OpenBSD, Solaris, and eComStation 2.
- Aircrack-ng can focus on Replay attacks, de-authentication, fake access points, and others.
- It supports exporting data to text files.
- It can check Wi-Fi cards and driver capabilities.
- It can crack WEP keys and for that, it makes use of FMS attack, PTW attack, and dictionary attacks.
- It can crack WPA2-PSK and for that, it makes use of dictionary attacks.
Best For: Supports any wireless network interface controller.
Website: Aircrack-Ng
#6) Wireshark
Price: Free
Wireshark is a packet analyzer and can perform deep inspection of many protocols.
It supports cross-platform. It allows you to export the output to different file formats like XML, PostScript, CSV, and Plaintext. It provides the facility to apply coloring rules to packet list so that analysis will be easier and quicker. The above image will show the capturing of packets.
- It can decompress the gzip files on the fly.
- It can decrypt many protocols like IPsec, ISAKMP, and SSL/TLS etc.
- It can perform live capture and offline analysis.
- It allows you to browse the captured network data using GUI or TTY-mode TShark utility.
Best For: Analyzing data packets.
Website: Wireshark
#7) Ettercap
Price: Free.
Ettercap supports cross-platform. Using Ettercap's API, you can create custom plugins. Even with the proxy connection, it can do sniffing of HTTP SSL secured data.
- Sniffing of live connections.
- Content filtering.
- Active and passive dissection of many protocols.
- Network and host analysis.
Best For: It allows you to create custom plugins.
Website: Ettercap
#8) Maltego
Price: The Community version, Maltego CE is available for free. Price for Maltego Classic is $999. Price for Maltego XL is $1999. These two products are for the desktop. Price for the server products like CTAS, ITDS, and Comms starts at $40000, which includes training as well.
Maltego is a tool for link analysis and data mining. It supports Windows, Linux, and Mac OS.
For the discovery of data from open sources and visualizing the information in graphical format, it provides the library of transforms. It performs real-time data-mining and information gathering.
- Represents the data on node-based graph patterns.
- Maltego XL can work with large graphs.
- It will provide you the graphical picture, thereby telling you about the weak points and abnormalities of the network.
Best For: It can work with very large graphs.
Website: Maltego
#9) Nikto
Price: Free
Nikto is an open source tool for scanning the web server.
It scans the web server for dangerous files, outdated versions, and particular version related problems. It saves the report in a text file, XML, HTML, NBE, and CSV file formats. Nikto can be used on the system which supports basic Perl installation. It can be used on Windows, Mac, Linux, and UNIX systems.
- It can check web servers for over 6700 potentially dangerous files.
- It has full HTTP proxy support.
- Using Headers, favicons, and files, it can identify the installed software.
- It can scan the server for outdated server components.
Best For: As a Penetration Testing tool.
Website: Nikto
#10) Burp Suite
Price: It has three pricing plans. Community edition can be downloaded for free. Pricing for Enterprise edition starts at $3999 per year. Price of the Professional edition starts at $399 per user per year.
Burp Suite has a web vulnerability scanner and has advanced and essential manual tools.
It provides many features for web application security. It has three editions, community, enterprise, and professional. With community editions, it provides essential manual tools. With the paid versions it provides more features like Web vulnerabilities scanner.
- It allows you to schedule and repeats the scan.
- It scans for 100 generic vulnerabilities.
- It uses out-of-band techniques (OAST).
- It provides detailed custom advisory for the reported vulnerabilities.
- It provides CI Integration.
Best For: Security testing.
Website: Burp Suite
#11) John The Ripper
Price: Free
John the Ripper is a tool for password cracking. It can be used on Windows, DOS, and Open VMS. It is an open source tool. It is created for detecting weak UNIX passwords.
- John the Ripper can be used to test various encrypted passwords.
- It performs dictionary attacks.
- It provides various password crackers in one package.
- It provides a customizable cracker.
Best For: It is fast in password cracking.
Website: John the Ripper
#12) Angry IP Scanner
Price: Free
Angry IP Scanner is a tool for scanning the IP addresses and ports. It can scan both on local network and Internet. It supports Windows, Mac, and Linux operating systems.
- It can export the result in many formats.
- It is a command-line interface tool.
- It is extensible with many data fetchers.
Website: Angry IP Scanner
As explained here, Nmap is used for computer security and network management. It is good for scanning the network. Metasploit is also for security and is good for building anti-forensic and evasion tools.
Aircrack-Ng is a free packet sniffer & injector and supports cross-platform. Wireshark is a packet analyzer and is good in analyzing data packets. As per the reviews available online, people recommend using Nmap instead of Angry IP scanner as Angry IP Scanner comes with unwanted applications.
John the Ripper is fast in password cracking. Nikto is a good open source tool for penetration testing. Maltego presents the data in a graphical form and will give you information about weak points and abnormalities.
This was all about the ethical hacking and the top ethical hacking tools. Hope you will find this article to be much useful!!
More information
- Pentest Wiki
- Pentest Framework
- Pentest +
- Hacking Google
- Hacker Attack
- Hacking Wifi
- How To Pentest A Website
- Pentest With Kali
- Hacker Wifi Password
- Hacking Page
- Pentestmonkey Sql Injection
- Pentest Distro
- Pentest Tools Framework
- Basic Pentest 1 Walkthrough
- Pentest Vs Red Team
- Pentest
- Hacking With Python
- Hacking Tutorials
- Pentest Methodology
Tuesday, June 9, 2020
Scanning TLS Server Configurations With Burp Suite
Using this extension penetration testers and security researchers can assess the security of TLS server configurations directly from within Burp Suite.
The extension is based on the TLS-Attacker framework and the TLS-Scanner, both of which are developed by the Chair for Network and Data Security.
You can find the latest release of our extension at: https://github.com/RUB-NDS/TLS-Attacker-BurpExtension/releases
Furthermore, the extension allows fine-tuning for the configuration of the underlying TLS-Scanner. The two parameters parallelProbes and overallThreads can be used to improve the scan performance (at the cost of increased network load and resource usage).
It is also possible to configure the granularity of the scan using Scan Detail and Danger Level. The level of detail contained in the returned scan report can also be controlled using the Report Detail setting.
Please refer to the GitHub repositories linked above for further details on configuration and usage of TLS-Scanner.
Scan History
Additional functions will follow in later versions
Currently, we are working on integrating an at-a-glance rating mechanism to allow for easily estimating the security of a scanned host's TLS configuration.This is a combined work of Nurullah Erinola, Nils Engelbertz, David Herring, Juraj Somorovsky, Vladislav Mladenov, and Robert Merget. The research was supported by the European Commission through the FutureTrust project (grant 700542-Future-Trust-H2020-DS-2015-1).
If you would like to learn more about TLS, Juraj and Robert will give a TLS Training at Ruhrsec on the 27th of May 2019. There are still a few seats left.
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- Pentest With Kali Linux
- Hacker Typer
Linux Command Line Hackery Series - Part 4
Welcome back to Linux Command Line Hackery, hope you have enjoyed this series so far. Today we are going to learn new Linux commands and get comfortable with reading text files on Linux.
Suppose that you wanted to view your /etc/passwd file. How will you do that? From what we have learned so far what you'll do is type:
cat /etc/passwd
And there you go, but really did you see all the output in one terminal? No, you just ended up with last few lines and you'll have to cheat (i,e use graphical scroll bar) in order to see all the contents of /etc/passwd file. So is there a command line tool in linux with which we can see all the contents of a file easily without cheating? Yes, there are actually a few of them and in this article we'll look at some common ones.
Command: more
Syntax: more [options] file...
Function: more is a filter for paging through text one screenful at a time. With more we can parse a file one terminal at a time or line by line. We can also go backward and forward a number of lines using more.
So if we're to use more on /etc/passwd file how will we do that? We'll simply type
more /etc/passwd
now we'll get a screenful output of the file and have a prompt at the bottom of terminal. In order to move forward one line at a time press <Enter Key>. Using enter we can scroll through the file one line at a time. If you want to move one screen at a time, you can press <Space Key> to move one screen at a time. There are more functions of more program, you can know about them by pressing <h key>. To exit out of more program simply type <q key> and you'll get out of more program.
Command: less
Syntax: less [options] file...
Function: less is similar to more but less has more functionality than more. less is particularly useful when reading large files as less does not have to read the entire input file before starting, so it starts up quickly than many other editors.
less command is based on more so what you've done above with more can be done with less as well. Try it out yourself.
Command: head
Syntax: head [OPTION]... [FILE]...
Function: head command prints the head or first part of a file. By default head prints out first 10 lines of a file. If more than one file is specified, head prints first 10 lines of all files as a default behavior.
If we want to see only first 10 lines of /etc/passwd we can type:
head /etc/passwd
We can also specify to head how many lines we want to view by using the -n flag. Suppose you want to see first 15 lines of /etc/passwd file you've to type:
head -n 15 /etc/passwd
Ok you can view the first lines of a file what about last lines, is there a tool for that also? Exactly that's what our next command will be about.
Command: tail
Syntax: tail [OPTION]... [FILE]...
Function: tail is opposite of head. It prints the last 10 lines of a file by default. And if more than one file is specified, tail prints last 10 lines of all files by default.
To view last 10 lines of /etc/passwd file you'll type:
tail /etc/passwd
and as is the case with head -n flag can be used to specify the number of lines
tail -n 15 /etc/passwd
Now one more thing that we're going to learn today is grep.
Command: grep
Syntax: grep [OPTIONS] PATTERN [FILE...]
Function: grep is used to search a file for lines matching the pattern specified in the command.
A PATTERN can simply be a word like "hello" or it can be a regular expression (in geek speak regex). If you aren't familiar with regex, it's ok we'll not dive into that it's a very big topic but if you want to learn about it I'll add a link at the end of this article that will help you get started with regex.
Now back to grep say we want to find a line in /etc/passwd file which contains my user if we'll simply type:
grep myusername /etc/passwd
Wohoo! It gives out just that data that we're looking for. Remember here myusername is your username.
One cool flag of grep is -v which is used to look in file for every line except the line containing the PATTERN specified after -v [it's lowercase v].
Take your time practicing with these commands especially grep and more. We'll learn a lot more about grep in other upcoming articles.
Awesome website to learn Regular expressions - http://www.regexr.com/
Monday, June 8, 2020
10 Best Wifi Hacking Android Apps To Hack Others Wifi (Without Root)
Top 10 Best wifi hacking apps to hack wifi^s.
Today, a smartphone without internet is like a decade ago featured phone which is mainly used to dial and receive the call. No one would even want such a phone today. The Internet is now a necessity for every mobile user. They can't live without the internet and unfortunately; if the Internet is not working due to some signal issues; they get frustrated and sometimes depressed too.
Generally, we need to pay for the Internet subscription package to run mobile data on our smartphone. But what to do if I don't want to spend money on the Internet? The solution is to connect your mobile with WiFi. You can access the internet from there. Easy, right? NO, it's not easy until you know the password of WiFi. But what if you don't know.
Two ways possible in this situation
- Either you ask for the password to the owner; he will provide you to use his internet through Wi-Fi
- You have to hack the Wi-Fi password of other's network and use the internet as an unauthorized person.
First is not reliable when you don't know the person so, you only have a second option. Today, I am going to share a few apps that help you steal the password and allow you to use the internet from others' account.
1. WiFi WPS WPA Tester
This is the foremost tool to hack the WiFi password without knowing even the root. This is a preferred choice of numerous smartphone users to decipher the pin and get access to the Wi-Fi. As time passes, a tool is upgraded and now even hack the WiFi networks while it was used to check if an access point is highly vulnerable to the rancorous attacks or not.
If you are using Lollipop or above version on your android mobile phone; you don't even need to root your device to crack a WiFi network.
Android AppPros
- Easy to use
- Free
- Decrypt the password in no time.
- Implementation of several algos like Zhao, Arris, Dlink and more.
- Need root access if you are using the version below Lollipop.
2. WPS Connect
Routers which has enabled a WPS protocol can be hacked with this app. The important thing is that almost all routers found in public places and homes fall under this category. In short, you will have what you want. Moreover, you can focus on your router & examine that it's vulnerable to any malicious attack or not. It helps you hack the WiFi password without root and also strengthen your WiFi network.
Once you identify the vulnerable (accessible) network, you can quickly get the password and start using the internet without any hassle. It uses algorithms like easyboxPIN and Zhao. Although, this app is not compatible with various Android phones as it is tested on Android devices like the Galaxy series, Nexus and more.
Android AppPros
- It's free and easy to use
- Powerful algorithms (Zhao & easyboxPin) to crack the password
- Supports pinning of Wi-Fi routers
- Incompatible with few android devices
- Couldn't identify the network automatically.
3. WiFi WPS WPA Tester Premium
This is an excellent app to decrypt the WiFi network password on your android phone. This works fine on rooted & non-rooted android phones. If you can root the Android device; you can have a better chance to hack into. Today, security is the primary concern and so, many people use the highly secured wireless router, I think. For such networks, this app will not work as it should be. But, still it can work for numerous times with the help of WPS; not all the time. Every time, you have to try your luck to get access to other's WiFi network. This WPS WPA tester is a premium apk.
Android AppPros
- Works for both rooted and non-rooted android devices
- Find the nearby network and connect your mobile with it.
- It's a premium apk.
- You have to try your luck to get access to the nearby network.
- Not good to connect with highly secured wireless routers.
4. AndroDumpper Wifi (WPS Connect) – Discontinued
If you want to connect to a router which is WPS enabled; download this app immediately without going down to browse for other apps. Just open the app, start its interface & find the nearby wireless networks, you want to connect with. The app will provide an excellent option to regain the password of a selected network with & without root. Once you implemented the algorithm; it will display the password in app screen & connect to the network. Isn't it easy for you?
Android AppPros
- It's Free on Google Play Store
- Easy to use and faster than some other tool.
- Works fine for rooted & non-rooted devices
- A dedicated blog is available for the tool (Get guidance anytime)
- Supports for giant company routers (Vodaphone, Asus, Huawei, Dlink, etc.)
- Rooting is required if you are using a version below android 5.0
- Works only for WPS enabled routers.
5. Wi-fi Password Hacker Prank
Wifi Password hacker prank is a free app for the android users and can help you to connect your android phone to wifi networks available nearby. This free app simulates a process of hacking the wireless network with your smartphone. With this app, you can hack all wifi network passwords with just one key. The Prank word itself says it's a funny app used to prank with your friends. Sometimes, girls can be impressed with this prank as well. But try this at your own risk. Look excellent and professional in front of your friends and colleagues.
Steps to Hack Wifi using the Wifi Password Hacker Prank:
- Catch up the wireless networks near to you and then select the secure network you wish to hack.
- Wait for a while & a dialogue will be opened with the wifi password.
- Bingo! Paste the password and start using others' Internet without spending single money.
- Watch your favourite show and movie in High-Definition quality without worrying about your mobile data.
6. WiFi Warden
WiFi Warden is one of the finest and free android WiFi hacking apps to get access to others WiFi with ease. With WiFi Warden, a user can Analyze the WiFi networks, connect to your WiFi using the passphrase and WPS and view saved WiFi passwords without root.
By analyzing the WiFi networks, you can see all necessary information that can be discovered on the wireless networks around including BSSID, SSID, Channel bandwidth, encryption, security, router manufacturer, distance and channel number, etc.
Android AppPros
- Find the less crowded channel to get WiFi access.
- You can root your device on all Android versions.
- Easy to use and connect with the router quickly.
- All features of this app are available for free.
- This app doesn't work on all types of router, use a passphrase instead.
- Access Point (AP) must have enabled WPS.
- Require Android version 6 (Marshmallow) or higher version is necessary to display Wi-Fi networks around you.
- Some of the features are in the testing phase. So, use it your own risk.
7. WiFi Password
'WiFi Password' is a completely free app for those who don't want to get away from the Internet even when their internet data is running out. You can connect with others' WiFi routers and use their Internet.
If you are using Android Version 5 or above; 'WiFi Password' can be the right choice for you to watch your favorite shows on YouTube in HD without even worrying about Mobile Data.
Android AppPros:
- Millions of WiFi Hotspots
- Scan and detect the WiFi security
- Connect WiFi Hotspot nearby without knowing the WiFi Password
- You can simply add a free WiFi Hotspot by sharing the passwords with others.
Cons :
- Still, there are some glitches in it but works well.
8. WiFi Kill Pro
WiFi Kill is one the best WiFi network controller application which can disable the Internet connection of others who are connected to the same network. Yes, this is true. It is a useful tool for internet users who want to improve their data speed by disabling other's internet connection and allocate all the bandwidth to your device only.
Currently, this app is only for Android users and needs root access to perform well.
Android AppPros
- You can see all connected device on the same network you are connected.
- Display the data transfer rate of all devices
- Monitor network activity
- You can cut the network connection of any connected device.
- It works well on tablets too.
- Require root access
- Require Android version 4.0.3 or up to use this app.
9. Penetrate Pro
A popular Wifi hacker app for android users, Penetrate pro is free and works well on Android devices. This app is widely used to find WEP and/or WPA keys to connect the devices with network routers without knowing the wifi password. Just install the app and search for the network; this app starts automatically displaying the WEP/WPA keys on the screen. Tap on the network you want to connect; one it gets connected; you can start watching videos on YouTube. Quite interesting, doesn't it?
Android AppPros
- Easy to search nearby free wifi networks.
- Connect the network without knowing keys
- Available for Free
- Not available on Google Play Store; need to download manually.
- Works well only for the rooted android devices
So, you have got the list of apps that help you use the internet from other's wireless network without getting caught. If you have any idea of any other Wi-Fi password hacking app; just let me know. We would love to discuss it here.
Disclaimer: VR Bonkers is not responsible for any consequences if you face while using any of the above apps. This is just a list and we are not taking any responsibility for the same. So, use them at your risk.
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